Ryhope - Durham - England


Latitude: 54.8682155, Longitude: -1.3653906


Matches 1 to 7 of 7

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Bewick, Frederick  25 Sep 1911Ryhope - Durham - England  I120
2 Bewick, James  1907Ryhope - Durham - England  I118
3 Bewick, John  6 Apr 1909Ryhope - Durham - England  I119
4 Bewick, Mary  17 Dec 1904Ryhope - Durham - England  I117
5 Bewick, Thomas Henry  1901Ryhope - Durham - England  I115
6 Fishwick, Christopher Terry  26 Jul 1897Ryhope - Durham - England  I152
7 Fishwick, Thomas Henry  1921Ryhope - Durham - England  I153

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