Our family's journey through time
Title | General Register Office | |
Short Title | GRO | |
Source ID | S3 | |
Text | Official information on births, adoption and marriages, civil partnerships and deaths in England and Wales. | |
Linked to (36) | Ann Bewick Clara Bewick David William Bewick Elizabeth Bewick Elizabeth Jane Bewick Florence Appolina Bewick Jane Bewick John Bewick John Bewick Mary Bewick Mary Bewick Mary Ann Bewick Thomas Henry Bewick William Bewick William Bewick William Bewick Jonathan Bradley Grace Horsley Darling Sarah Jane Davison Elizabeth Ann Dunwell John James Dunwell Edward Victor Farley Ernest Farley James Alfred Farley John Farley Leslie Farley Doris Fishwick Elizabeth Fishwick Freda Fishwick Susannah Fishwick Thomas Henry Fishwick Mary Ann Goulden Jane Ann Jameson Margaret Lax Mary Ann Lax Lena Davison Smith |
We strive to document all of our sources in this family tree. If you have something to add, please let us know. You can contact me at valeriaatje@gmail.com