Our family's journey through time
Show surnames starting with
[no surname] ? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z
1. ? (2) |
1. Achondo (1) 2. Achondo Muñoz (1) |
3. Adamson (1) 4. Allen (1) |
5. Anderson (19) 6. Andrews (7) |
7. Armstrong (2) |
1. Bading (1) 2. Bailey (1) 3. Bainbridge (1) 4. Barrueto Flores (1) |
5. Barrueto Valenzuela (1) 6. Barry (1) 7. Bell (1) 8. Bewick (84) |
9. Blyth (1) 10. Bones (1) 11. Boyd (1) 12. Boza Costagliola (1) |
13. Boza Salinas (1) 14. Brabban (7) 15. Bradley (5) 16. Brooks (1) |
17. Brown (2) 18. Burney (4) |
1. Carotti (3) 2. Carotti Hernandez (4) 3. Coats (1) |
4. Conlon (5) 5. Contreras (1) 6. Contreras Valenzuela (3) |
7. Costagliola (2) 8. Costagliola Carotti (9) 9. Costagliola Lubrano (1) |
10. Costagliola Mellado (1) 11. Costagliola Verdelli (1) 12. Covarrubias (1) |
13. Crespo (2) 14. Cruddas (1) |
1. Dalby (1) 2. Darling (6) 3. Davison (10) |
4. de la Barra (1) 5. De Ruyt (1) 6. De Ruyt Serrano (2) |
7. Dias (1) 8. Dodds (1) 9. Dove (2) |
10. Drouilly Silva (1) 11. Drouilly Yurich (1) 12. Dunwell (3) |
1. Farley (18) 2. Ferenus (1) |
3. Ferenus Yurich (1) 4. Ferrer Fabregas (1) |
5. Fishwick (7) 6. Fleming (1) |
7. Fontecilla (1) 8. Freed (1) |
1. Gallegos Lopez (1) 2. Gardner (1) |
3. Genther (1) 4. Gomez (1) |
5. Gonzalez (1) 6. Goulden (2) |
7. Griffiths (1) 8. Grosslaub (5) |
1. Hall (4) 2. Hardy (1) 3. Hartill (5) |
4. Henderson (2) 5. Hernandez (1) 6. Hogg (1) |
7. Hollis (2) 8. Holmes (3) 9. Hudson (1) |
10. Hultgrenn (1) 11. Hunter (1) |
1. Ilabaca Becker (1) |
1. Larrain (1) 2. Larrain Covarrubias (1) 3. Lax (6) |
4. Leithead (1) 5. Leonard (1) 6. Littlefair-Howarth (1) |
7. Long (1) 8. Lowes (3) 9. Lubrano (1) |
10. Luke (1) 11. Lynch (1) |
1. Maddison (1) 2. Mahoney (1) 3. Mardghum (1) 4. McCourt (5) |
5. Mellado Ortega (1) 6. Miller (1) 7. Mohoric Luksetic (1) 8. Morales Romero (1) |
9. Morgan (1) 10. Mouat (1) 11. Müller (2) 12. Mullin (1) |
13. Muñoz (1) 14. Muñoz de la Barra (2) 15. Muñoz Larrain (2) 16. Muñoz Soto (1) |
17. Musgrove (1) |
1. Patterson (2) 2. Peacock (3) |
3. Pineda (1) 4. Pineda Gonzalez (1) |
5. Pineda Zamora (3) 6. Poppelsdorf (1) |
7. Porteous (2) |
1. Ramírez (1) 2. Ramos (1) 3. Ramsay (1) 4. Ramsey (4) |
5. Ramshaw (3) 6. Reader (2) 7. Retamal (1) 8. Reynolds (1) |
9. Robinson (2) 10. Robson (2) 11. Robson / Beavan (1) 12. Rodríguez (2) |
13. Rodriguez Pineda (2) 14. Rodríguez Rodríguez (1) 15. Rojas (1) 16. Rutter (1) |
1. Salinas Eytel (1) 2. Scales (1) 3. Schumacher (1) 4. Scott (4) |
5. Serrano (3) 6. Serrano Estai (2) 7. Serrano Ilabaca (1) 8. Serrano Valdes (2) |
9. Serrano Yurich (8) 10. Short (1) 11. Silva (1) 12. Silva Gómez (1) |
13. Smith (51) 14. Smith Kramer (6) 15. Smith Rodriguez (2) 16. Snijder (1) |
17. Solorza Anguita (1) 18. Sotomayor (1) 19. Stirling (2) 20. Symes (6) |
1. Tapia Horta (1) |
2. Taylor (1) |
3. Tipling (1) |
4. Torres Araos (1) |
5. Tulip (1) |
1. Urwin (3) |
1. Valdes Yañes (1) 2. Valenzuela (1) |
3. Valenzuela Crespo (11) 4. Valenzuela Gallegos (7) |
5. Valenzuela Muñoz (14) 6. Valenzuela Silva (4) |
7. van Yurick Ramírez (2) 8. Verdelli (2) |
9. Verdelli Carotti (1) 10. Villalobos (1) |
1. Walker (3) |
2. Wellington (1) |
3. White (1) |
4. Winchester (1) |
5. Wright (10) |
1. Yurich (1) |
2. Yurich Costagliola (2) |
3. Yurich Mohorich (11) |
4. Yurich Yurich (1) |
1. Zamora (1) |
We strive to document all of our sources in this family tree. If you have something to add, please let us know. You can contact me at valeriaatje@gmail.com