Surname List: Begins with S

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All surnames beginning with S, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

1. Sabat (1)
2. Sabat Serrano (2)
3. Salinas Eytel (1)
4. Scales (1)
5. Schumacher (1)
6. Scott (4)
   7. Sepulveda Serrano (3)
8. Sepulveda Vivado (1)
9. Serrano (3)
10. Serrano Costagliola (3)
11. Serrano Estai (2)
12. Serrano Ilabaca (3)
   13. Serrano Smith (2)
14. Serrano Squella (1)
15. Serrano Tapia (3)
16. Serrano Valdes (2)
17. Serrano Yurich (8)
18. Short (1)
   19. Silva (1)
20. Silva Gómez (2)
21. Smith (54)
22. Smith Kramer (6)
23. Smith Rodriguez (2)
24. Smith Valenzuela (3)
   25. Snijder (4)
26. Solorza Anguita (1)
27. Sotomayor (1)
29. Stirling (2)
30. Symes (6)

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